Behaviour Management

This course is especially geared for adult dogs who show aggression towards other dogs while on the lead by lunging and/or barking. It is a 6 week course which runs on Tuesday evenings from 6pm to 7pm. We supply an introductory video to get you started.

Dogs will need to be on a halter and lead (and be used to wearing the halter). A muzzle is essential if the dog already has a bite history or we might suggest one if we feel it would be useful.

Handlers will need lots of treats and lots of patience. This is not a quick fix but will teach the skills you need to be able to better read and manage your reactive dogs. Unfortunately, this course does not address inter dog aggression in the home or aggression towards people. 

Course Fee: R800 (note fees are not refundable)
Starting Date: 25 March
Please note: Senior Citizens  get a 50% discount on all fees
Complete an online application and send your proof of payment to
Bookings only will be accepted, we do not allow walk-ins. Only once payment is received is the booking secured.
For Behaviour Management Course related queries, contact Denise 0835361960 or
Cape Province Dog Club
Account Number: 1073289117
Branch: 123209
Please use your name as a reference - we will match your payment to your application.
Pinelands Primary School, Clarendon Road, Pinelands, Cape Town