6785679feeabf Your name* First Last Address Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code LandlineCell*Email* Dog's name* Breed Date of Birth* Day Month Year About your dog Male Female Course Completed Puppy 3 Beginner's Obedience Class/Course Joining* Agility Beginners Agility Intermediate Agility Advanced In Control Obedience Course (for Beginner & P3 graduates) On Command Obedience Course (for In Control graduates) Unleashed Advanced Obedience (for On Command graduates) Flyball Type of application Obedience R600 Obedience Senior Citizen R300 Agility Beginners or Intermediate R600 Agility Beginners or Intermediate Senior Citizen R300 Agility Advanced R500 Agility Advanced Senior Citizen R250 Flyball R300 Charity | Parcels for Pets Donate pet products Add a cash donation to my course fee Terms & Conditions I understand that all training is at my own risk and that the Cape Province Dog Club and Pinelands Primary School are in no way liable for any injuries sustained by either my dog or myself in the course of training. I guarantee that my dog is properly immunised. I further understand that I may be held responsible for any damage caused by my dog or myself. I agree to conduct myself in a responsible manner and to follow instructions given by trainers.Accept Terms & Conditions* Accept By selecting or checking this box, you have read and agree to the terms and conditions stated above.